Vice Admiral Peter Hudson
Peter Hudson had a 36-year career in the Royal Navy, serving in a large number of ships deployed across the globe. A career Executive Officer and navigation specialist, he commanded three frontline warships including the frigate HMS NORFOLK in 1996-98, and the assault ship HMS ALBION in 2002-04. He undertook a variety of roles ashore from teaching young officers how to navigate by the sun and stars, to heading the Royal Navy’s finance and strategic planning directorate in the Ministry of Defence. On promotion to Rear Admiral, he served as the UK’s Commander of Maritime Forces and also led the European Union’s counter piracy operation off Somalia during the height of the crisis in 2009/10 As a Vice Admiral, he was head of all NATO’s maritime forces leading multinational operations in the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. He retired from the Royal Navy in 2016 and now works in the UK defence industry. His seagoing career stimulated a lifelong passion for maritime and military history; he is a trustee of the Mary Rose Trust which conserves Henry VIII’s flagship in Portsmouth and a Commissioner of the Commonwealth Wargraves Commission.