Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill
Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, OBE, FBA is an Emeritus Professor of Roman Studies in the Faculty of Classics at the University of Cambridge, and an Emeritus Fellow and former Master of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Before returning to Cambridge, he was Professor of Classics at the University of Reading from 1987 to 2009, and from 1995-2009 was on secondment from the University as Director of the British School at Rome. He took his first degree in Classics at Oxford (1969-73), where he also gained his doctorate. His first book, based on his doctorate, was Suetonius: the Scholar and his Caesars (Duckworth 1983); this was followed by monographs on Augustan Rome (1993), Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum (1994), Rome’s Cultural Revolution (2008), and, Herculaneum: Past and Future (2011). His new book, The Idea of the City in Late Antiquity is in press. He has directed archaeological projects in both Pompeii and in Herculaneum, where since 2001 he has played a leading role in the Herculaneum Conservation project, an initiative of the Packard Humanities Institute.