Simon Cook
Simon shares the same family name as the illustrious 18th century explorer, Captain James Cook. In addition to seeing many of the places visited by Cook, Simon has travelled extensively to all four corners of the globe. With particular interests in photography, cetaceans and ornithology he has been to over 100 countries, been mesmerised by three-quarters of the world’s species of whales and dolphins and has seen over 1,300 species of birds from ships and boats. Simon has also had numerous photographs reproduced over the years and has recently had articles published about cetaceans in the North Atlantic and birding around the world from ships and boats. A former manager with an international bank, Simon now spends so much time at sea that he can almost be classified as a marine mammal. A great sense of adventure combined with a great deal of enthusiasm means that Simon is frequently on the lookout for wildlife, which he is only too pleased to point out to and discuss with others!