Phanor H Montoya-Maya
Phanor H Montoya-Maya is a marine biologist, diving instructor and Coral guru hailing from Colombia. His love for all things oceanic emerged after sighting his first giant grouper on the Caribbean coast of his native Colombia. Since that moment he has dedicated his life to better understanding, conserving and raising awareness for the ocean and its inhabitants. A BSc in Marine biology was followed by his MSc in Icthyology and finally a PhD in coral reefs. He has worked all over the world leading cage less shark dives in South Africa, starting the first Marine based NGO in Colombia or heading up the World’s largest coral reef restoration programme in the Seychelles. He has been invited to work on countless Scientific expeditions through North and Central America, Southern Africa and most recently was the on board Coral specialist for the National Geographic Pristine seas team in Mozambique! Outside of work he has hitch hiked through Jamaica, ridden camels past Ancient Egypt and even tried his hand at Ice fishing in the remote Canadian wilderness. Phanor loves the possibilities found on expedition cruises to see more of the world and take his guests on some of their most informative, interesting and incredible dives of their lives. He doesn’t create log book entries he creates everlasting memories.