Ignacio Marino
Ignacio Marino – or Nacho - was born in Ushuaia, the capital city of Tierra Del Fuego Antartida e Islas Del Atlantico Sur, Argentina. From the age of 14 he has spent many seasons working with guests, at first taking care of Huskies used to pull the sledges in winter time and then over the years working for various hiking and trekking companies. He has taken guests to hidden lagoons, glaciers and different viewpoints in the mountain surrounding Ushuaia and has done climbing expeditions around South America. In 2010 Ignacio started guiding 4x4 excursions around the island of Tierra Del Fuego, never leaving the mountains far behind. During the climbing season he gives a hand at the climbing school of the CAMU (Club Amigos de la Montana Ushuaia). At the present he works as a freelance guide in Ushuaia for many different conventional an unconventional tours. Ignacio is an ‘all weather conditions’ zodiac driver, working down in Antarctica since 2014. He is also an active circus clown using this as a job when traveling around the world and he always carries juggling tools. During his first Antarctic season he married a couple below the Antarctic Circle at Detaille Island, which earned him the nickname “The Minister”.