Daniel Stavert
Daniel Stavert is a naturalist, historian and outdoor guide from the Blue Mountains, Australia. Working in Australia, Antarctica and now in the Hebrides, he combines a love for a life in the outdoors with a passion for human story and history. Daniel first visited the Hebrides as a ten year old with his family, returning to live and work for two summers as an outdoor guide on the Islands of Mull and Iona. An experience that formed a deep connection with these beautiful places.
Daniel did his History degree at the University of Sydney, specialising in the nineteenth century, particularly concerning the British Empire and migration of people and language. He also studied and worked as an expedition sea kayak, rafting, and climbing guide in the remote corners of Tasmania. In recent years, Daniel has worked as an outdoor educator with school students across Australia.
Daniel looks forward to returning to the U.K. and exploring the historical and physical landscapes of the Scottish Isles this summer with Noble Caledonia.